Perfectionism in product development

Published Categorized as Management, Marketing, Podcasts
The Moses Kabandana Podcast — Perfectionism is Hurting You — Stephan Szugat
The Moses Kabandana Podcast — Perfectionism is Hurting You — Stephan Szugat

Perfectionism in product development is one area in business we could recognize our tendency to perfect solutions. But honestly, have you ever found a 100% perfect solution to anything? I’m not.

Recently, I had been talking with Moses Kabandana (host of The Moses Kabandana Podcast) about testing products and services early in the process of getting them out on the market.

Furthermore, we had been discussing the topic of understanding market demand and what it might tell you when there is lots or no competition in your market niche.

We also talked about perfectionism in product development and how to avoid it. And finally, we discussed some metrics about email marketing performance.

At the beginning, Moses asked some questions about private things and school. Though, listening to the episode from the start, you get to know me a bit more.

You could listen to the podcast episode at the following places:



Here are some time marks of great importance:

  • 15:05 Advice to small businesses in early development
  • 20:05 Check market demand and focus on customer benefit
  • 23:55 Avoid perfectionism
  • 26:50 Key Performance Indicators to measure Email Marketing performance

About the podcast:

The Moses Kabandana Podcast
By Moses Kabandana

The Moses Kabandana Podcast where Moses Kabandana hold conversations that are worth having. He brings on experts from various fields to dive deep into their expertise and share their insights with you. He believes that knowledge is meant to be shared, and that’s exactly what he is aiming to accomplish. From business leaders and yoga teachers, to tech experts and sex therapists, he explores ideas and provides you — the listener — with valuable takeaways that you can apply to your own life.

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